My brother's birthday went well. He got all sorts of cool sharp things to play with (seriously!) so I guess that's a sign he's growing up. He wants a black cape, and has given me time to make it past his birthday, especially since I don't have that kind of yarn right now. A guy friend at school wants a black cape too; not sure when I'll fit that in...I have plenty of other projects in my head, I hope to have a list tomorrow.
So. How was my day?
I went to school,
Made a lot of progress on my skirt (should be done by the end of the week)
(this was earlier than today) spun up all of that lovely silk, still deciding what to do with it,
When I got home, I:
Admired my new T-shirt (we all needed nicknames on the back, if you recall, my initials are favorite that I know of is "Suspence" for a guy friend-not the same one who wants the cape; his name's Spencer...)
Played my cello
Now, instead of doing this:
I should be doing this:
Which is hard homework, but I'm rewarding myself with this:
I see lots of bitty knitted items in my future!(smiles)
As my dad would say, hasta lasagna!