Sunday, April 12, 2009

Still Here

Hello, everyone! Hows life been these past few months?

Pretty hectic for me, let me tell you.
End of January, I finished this:

I also spun up the yarn for my dream dress..

and dyed it...

and got the cutest dog in the world, named Laney...

and knitted the dress...

and modeled it! (Mom is now letting my face be on the web, since I'm now 16 (as of last Dec, this was just the first time I could put it to use)
My dad is a wiz with a camera--he's fantastic.

Thanks to everyone for their patience with my blogging (or rather, lack thereof). I'm still enjoying life knitting and smiling.
ha-HA! I have finally finished a post!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life... getting in the way of life right now...but thankfully, life is working with knitting to keep me from going insane. ;) My enter key is not working, so there are going to be less paragraphs than there should be today.

Using a compilation of different fibers from my spinning career, I created a little shrug. It was just a rectangular piece of fabric that I sewed part of the long ways together. None of the fibers are dyed other than that big brown strip; that yarn was from a pair of socks I made for my mom a while ago. I am finding out I am actually quite enamored with the natural colors; I should buy more "regular" fiber! Every other strip was in k 2 rows, p 2 rows, and the intermittent strips were in garter stitch. It turned out rather well; this is the first shrug I've made that I wouldn't mind wearing in public.

I am also knitting a vest from the fall issue of Interweave knits; as you can see, the body is done. I just have to block it (the stockinette stitch really rolls!) and add the edging in the neck and arms. There also is supposed to be a strip to tie it off. I have found my interchangeable set, so the confusion of a straight needle being able to go around in a circle will not happen again. For anyone who is being super kind to me and continuing to read this blog, thanks so much for bearing with me. I have lots of other yarny "stuff" I'm working on, and will try to post as often as possible. I don't know how you seniors do blogging and knitting and school; I can barely keep up and I'm just a sophomore!