What's this? A blog post?
Yes, well, I have a little extra time on this beautiful Saturday morning and I was going onto the blog to look up a pattern I designed ages ago for a scarf for my roommate, and I realized how nice it is to have a record of past projec
ts, because you never know when the information may prove to be useful.
So I'm going to start up again, as often as I can.
We'll just skip the "a lot has happened in the past year and a half, hasn't it?" talk, shall we? I'll get to know you and you'll get to know me just through what becomes relevant. Perhaps this will be my journalling/English practice, seeing as I'm going to be a math major and all--one of life's little ironies that the girl that grew up writing her own novels and practicing journalism would completely switch gears in a manner of m
onths to decide to be a math teacher. We'll see how it all goes.
In the interim, I have a project in the works, and once again, it will get me class credit. I love it when I can stick my yarny self into my academic stuff. It feel
s like I'm taking a study break, but I'm really doing my homework!
Anyway, I dyed some red (pictured below)

and blue (it's drying now) yarn, so that I can knit a miniature Cuban flag. More to come on that.
This post feels incredibly dry, but hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things.