Friday, May 18, 2007

We Interrupt This Gauging Dilemma With An O:

What do you call something you've knit, but not sewn the elastic into?
I'm calling it a O, or object.......

And now, some pictures:
The skirt: The rolled-up edge that I am going to sew up:

And Now, Back To The Gauging Delimma

This picture got a little too much flash, but this is the US9, checking gauge-it is perfect by rows, but one silly stitch off by stitches. I frogged it, and today, I am going to try US 10.

I just realised that the gauge on the yarn is 5 stitches to the inch. AAAAAAHHHH! I am so silly. Well, I guess I'll try US 10 and US 10 1/2, and if they don't work, I'll return (sniff) the yarn and get yarn with a better gauge. Also, on a completely non-knitting note: I finished my bigish project for school! YIPPEE!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, what's up, heather? It's sarah. i found your blog address again (after searching for quite awhile) and now i am here! The stuff you're knitting is amazing! You're such a talented girl, Heather! Keep it up!