Aaaand, here's the wonderful, the fantastic, FIRST SLEEVE!
Below is my current spinning progress for my socks:
Below is the yellow yarn I am spinning for the rest of the sock.I split the 4 ounce roving into 3 parts. I will spin a 1/3 of the roving onto different bobbins, then use a fourth bobbin to ply (spin) them together. I tried with the blue to spin 1/2 onto one bobbin, and 2/3 onto another bobbin, and make the latter bobbin into a center-pull ball. That didn't work--I lost the center-pull, as it got too tangled inside the ball. Hope the different way works!
I hope that the next time I post, you will be seeing a completed sleeve, and maybe some finished summer homework!
Oh, yeah: I did get all blue ribbons- as well as one class champion, the doll clothes (dark purple ribbon), and one reserved champion, my outfit (pale purple ribbon).
Where the stitch holder is, that is what will soon be an armhole. I am now working on the neckline.
Now, I'm off to work on my explainations for my (mainly knitting) 4-H projects....other than the shirt and skirt I made, I am also entering a pair of American Girl Doll outfits, a partly completed entrepreneur booklet, and a ceramic vase. Perhaps I'll take pictures of them when I finish the descriptions, it can be my reward for finishing them!
And here's the back:
Don't worry, I won't forget my other sock, but this is just a break, OK?