Friday, July 27, 2007

Have You Finished A Sleeve?!?

Yes, I have! Hooray!
Sorry, no pictures today. Probably not tomorrow, either, as I have a spinning guild meeting all day. Monday, I've set the date. Maybe I'll have progress to show you on the second sleeve!
I picked up the stitches for the other sleeve, and knit a couple rows, but I'm not very far. Perhaps on the way to my spinning guild meeting tomorrow I can get more done!
As you might remember, I wanted to get some summer homework done this week. Well, I did! There was three books assigned that I had to read and answer questions on. I have read and answered the questions for two, and am a bit more than 1/2 way through with the third. Before you know it, I'll be free as a bird......just in time for school to start!
Oh, well.
As for the socks I am working on:
I am nearly 1/3 of the way through with the yellow roving-if you recall, I want to ply it in threes, with one-third per bobbin, and ply it on a fourth.

1 comment:

aksunflour said...

good job on the sleeve.

what kind of sick teachers assign homework over the summer? Um well... I did have Princess do math and reading over the summers. And that is why she graduated 11th out of her class. So maybee the teachers aren't sick after all.