Monday, October 01, 2007

Ravelry Really Is a Black Hole

-but a good black hole. One that's filled with yarn and friends.

Well, I got half of my homework done Friday before I succumbed to my curiosity. Then, about 500 clicks later, it was time for bed. Ravelry is like a MySpace (which I am not, and will ever be, affiliated to)for knitters, crocheters, spinners and dyers. I absolutely love it!
I am in a group for Teen Knitters-simply wonderful! It's so good to know there are people my age who are as crazy about yarn as I am. (Hi Sarah!)
I have a question for those "in the know.."
How do you interface your blog into your "About Me" page? I have in the little box that says URL, but I don't have anything in the RSS feed box, and I'm not sure what I should put in there...Any ideas?
Meanwhile, in the actual-knitting department...

I'm still stitching away on Mom's Phoenix Tears scarf. I didn't find the proper yarn for the "feathery" part, so I'm just going with the silk.

You can see on the left where the fire part ends and the garter stitch bit begins. There is also a much redder part right where I'm knitting. It seems I spun some parts with more white than others, which is making a sort of stripey effect. Neat!

I think I might change the pattern so that there's a fire part on both sides, and a garter-stitch strip in the middle. I just can't imagine my mom with lots of frills and fuzzy stuff on her accessories. She doesn't wear style scarves much anymore. I've seen pictures of her when she was in her teens/just out of college, and she wore a lot of simple, smooth scarves. I sorta want this scarf to go with that theme.

Off to post on Ravelry!


Anonymous said...

I think this is what you put for the RSS feed for your site...

Don't you just love Ravelry? It is rather addictive :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Too bad they didn't have the right fuzzy yarn for the scarf. It still looks great!

Tama said...

The scarf is looking great! Your mom will love it.

Sarah said...

I got my invite, but I am staying away until I have a chunk of time to get going :)