Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tries and Retries

I got a pound of superwash which I am planning on dyeing for my blanket/shawl thingy! Unfortunately, Blogger isn't happy with me right now, so you'll just have to imagine a picture of a pound of white superwash roving, divided into thirds.
(Yes, we got to the fiber store on Saturday, this isn't some part of my stash I haven't told you about...) I'm planning on dyeing it with food coloring today and tomorrow, and spin some of it on Saturday at my 4-H meeting. We're going to have an hour to work on our projects for next year-whew! We barely have time for breath in between years!
Now, before everyone starts wagging fingers at me for starting a project when it's supposed to be UFOctober and all, this is going to be my ONLY exception. I want a little break from my *wonderful* super-secret presents.
I did finish the second super-secret present, but through some freak of nature, one half of the present (which is supposed to look exactly like the other half) is significantly smaller. Why I didn't notice this as I was knitting it, don't ask me. I think it might have had something to do with the fact that I tried to take some twist out of the yarn before I knitted the second half, thereby making that half thinner and shorter. Whoops!
Well, perhaps Blogger will let me post some pictures of my dyeing tomorrow!


aksunflour said...

Isn't 4-H fun! You don't even get your awards for last year and your thinking of bigger/better projects for this year. LOL! At least you aren't trying to find breeders of animals.

I know exactly how you feel about your secret project not turning out right. My scarf is bigger now at the end than the beginning. (ok so I went up a needle size).

Tama said...

Sounds like fun! I haven't ever spun any superwash fiber before. Tell me how that goes. I love to dye with food coloring!

Knittypants said...

I look forward to seeing your dyeing results. Can't wait :-)