Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pictures and A Meme

Well, here's the socks:

As you can see, one heel was knit differently than the other-I misread the instructions for the first sock--oops! Then when I got to the heel on the second sock, I didn't remember how I made the first heel, so I couldn't even copy the first to look like the second!
Of course, it's not a big deal. Now I know when I knit socks, I should completely ignore SSS at all costs and make the second sock right after the first-at least I'll remember how I made a mistake in the first sock, so I can have socks that look more or less alike.
As for knitting progress..Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Now, for the meme
7 Random Things About Me:
1) My first pet was a newt. We didn't know its gender. At first, we called it Curious George, but then I read something about how the size of a newt tells the gender, we decided it was a girl. The name was changed to Curious Georgina, or GG.

2) My first knitting project was neckwarmers for some friends I had in a retirement home. I got six done in four-five months!

3) I knitted with mainly acrylic yarn for at least five or six years before I realized there was nicer yarn for just a little more

4) I learned to knit on circular knitting needles (they were the only ones Grandma had on hand)

5) Before I knitted, I did a lot of hand sewing-didn't get very good at it, though.

6) When I was born, the two names that were tossed back and forth was Sarah and Heather.

7) My initials spell HAH (on purpose) My dad thought that was hilarious-my mom didn't notice till I was a couple years old.

Now, for the NaNoWriMo update...
I have written 6,843 words-I should be on 10,000 by now. What with life, school, cello, eating and sleeping, I haven't found much time to write. I've changed my goals so that my personal goal is 30,000-40,000 words. I may not win
NaNoWriMo, but I will get a lot of writing done. Perhaps next year, I'll try for the gold!


Anonymous said...

Even if you are "technically" behind, over 6000 words is nothing to sneeze at :)

My initials spell HAG. How's that for wonderful?

aksunflour said...

HAH,hilarious ROFL! And your mom didn't catch it- now that is funny!

I really have to read punctuation more carefully, because it read cello eating. Huh? Oh cello, eating. Good job on all the story writing. And the socks look comfy.

Tama said...

Wow! Good job on writing over 6,000 words. The socks look good, don't worry about the heel.

P.S. Before I was married my initials were TP, I didn't improve when I got married--now I'm TV.

Sarah said...

The socks are great! They are the perfect fall socks, the edging is great.

Great job with the writing, how do you find the time?

Knittypants said...

The socks are awesome! Great colors.
HAH is funny :-)