Know when I wrote that last post? All of that stuff that I didn't even have the yarn for yet? THAT was my Christmas list of things to knit. Therefore, I did NOT have even close to my Christmas list done. Sorry for instilling misplaced anger in anyone at me for having everything done already. Truth is, I was WAY behind. I guess I should have been a little more clear on that.
Now, however, I have almost everything done.(Yay!)
Sooo, may I introduce, the A-mazing, the IN-credible, FINISHED OBJECTS!!!!
(*Insert Cheering Here*)
This is the cotton hat for that good friend in California. As you can see, there isn't any cool, funky button on it. That's because I don't have the button--yet. Perhaps this will be her New Year's Present, yes?
John's missing Christmas present and I have been reunited at long last, and everyone is happy that it is back--even Mister Green Fox! (What? You can't see the absolute delight and joy on his little carved face? I guess not...)
The reason for my hurry? I was going to see the twins next door today, after play practice. However, practice was late, so I was not able to visit *sob*. I wasn't able to stop over on Tuesday, either--the other day I usually help out. But don't fret! You'll have adorable pictures of babies in hats before 8:00 tomorrow, I promise.
Now, for two interesting websites:
How to you woo the love of your life using just a semester of Spanish? Watch here.
Want to improve your vocabulary and help people in third world countries have food? You can play this fun game!
Yay for Finished Objects! And yes, I did cheer when prompted :)
Congrats on all of the Finished Objects! The baby hats are adorable! I can't wait to see pictures of the babies wearing them!
Yay! Can you come finish up some of mine? There is no way that much is getting done. Knitting, sewing, cleaning the house, cooking/baking, working, AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Free Rice is fun (a co-worker told me that I had way to much time on hands to know what some of those words mean.)
LOVE that movie. My Spanish teacher showed it to us in class.
And I've been playing FreeRice for a month or so now. It's great, isn't it? The highest I've gotten is level 44.
Cute FO's. I've been dying for the pictures of your newly finished objects! You STILL owe us some pictures of the babies with the sweaters. D=< -shakes fist-
Lol, I love that spanish video. It made me laugh out loud. xD Hehe..-giggle,snort,choke- o_o ...
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