This is the yarn I have finished for the mini sweaters for my teacher's end of the year presents. I already have three done, two more to sew up. It's really nice to have some quick projects for a change; I knitted two up in one movie!
As you can see, they're larger than my prototype, but no biggie. They're still cute 'n' tiny, as you can see by how bitty they are compared to my lipstick (from the musical, I'm feeling a tad nostalgic).
I am sure I will have plenty of this yummy yarn left over, which means I'll be making something else for yours truly:
Wristlettos/Anklettos! I can't wait to start them; they'll be my first accessory in a while, other than socks. They'll be quite fun to knit (and wear!) at school.
Before I start anything for myself, however, I need to start my little brother's birthday present. He's a real gamer, so I'm going to make a relatively old pattern from Knitty: bmp socks. I'll be using this yarn I just got from this cool yarn shop right by my grandmother's.
I have simultaneously cast on a get-well scarf for my science teacher. She joked about me making her a scarf last October or so, she even told me she liked navy blue. Since it was a half-joke, I didn't really consider to make one until recently. I got some mercenized cotton, and am making her a simple cotton scarf with an edging of border lace. I'm running out of yarn, however--I probably should have gotten two skeins of the stuff--oh, well. I now have an excuse to go to my grandma's again!
Wow... sounds like you've been busy. The little sweaters are so cute! They look like doll clothes. :)
Cute little sweaters!
I made headbands for teacher gifts and they were a hit. Are you telling me it's time to start thinking about end of year gifts already!? NO!
The yarn is luscious.
Cute cute! Are you using a pattern for the bitty sweaters or just making it up?
Hey, those itty sweaters are cuuuuttee! Guess what MY little brother said about YOUR little brothers birthday present? He said that I should go and make HIM (my little brother) a pair of those, because he's a real gamer too! Look what you got me into!!
your little brother is lucky that his sis will make him something. Good job big Sis!
End of the school year projects... yikes!
the yarn looks so soft, squishy and comfy. And the colors very pretty.
What cute little sweaters! I really like that skein of yarn. Is is handspun? It is very pretty. And, I will have to make some of those socks for my brother! I've never seen those. He used to play Space Invaders non-stop and would love a pair of socks like that. His birthday is this month--I think he will be getting those!
Those little sweaters are so awesome!
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