The bolero and vest were not created. No yarn was found.
*moment of silence*
Perhaps I will be able to make them for their Christmas gifts.
I did, however, create a little book of fiber for my cute twin neighbors--I'm always ready to push the knitting/fiber aspect!
Using some leftovers from various projects, I had a page for alpaca, wool, soy silk, silk, corn, and flax. By putting hot glue on the pages themselves, the paper stuck. If I put hot glue on the paper, it wouldn't stick to the yarn. There's probably some scientific logic to this; I wouldn't know.

We also got some hardcover books, one about sheep in a car that won't go, and, my personal favorite, "Is Your Mama a Llama?"
*personal happy rant ahead*
Their birthday party was adorable. I was worried that Ryan and Riley wouldn't recognize me with so many relatives around, but they gave their usual big smiles when they saw me, and Ryan even crawled over one time to be picked up. Happy 1st Birthday, cuties!
*ok, I'm done*
I'll be at camp for the next week and a half, the same one I went to last year and came back with dyed yarn and new fiber Mom and Dad had sent from home. This year, I'll be bringing some fiber, as well as the leftovers from the cardigan. (aka these 800 yards)
I still have no idea what I will make with it, but I do have a few ideas. Please let me know what you think!
Choices (I have 800 yds of yarn):
A) Knit a shirt similar to the halter top, except instead of a single strap, I would make two thick straps, maybe even little sleeves, yarn permitting. Does that make sense?
B) Does anyone have a pattern for lacy gloves? *fiberfiend6891 was nice and found the pattern for me! I need the needles though. Off to look for them!*
I found a picture in the Spring or Summer Interweave Knits, but (grrr) the pattern wasn't there. I may not use the the cardigan yarn (wrong color), but I do have a couple hundred yards of white handspun I'm up in the air about dyeing. A problem about this idea is that I don't have enough double-pointed knitting needles to make a set. That, and I've never made gloves before in my life.
C) I'd say socks, but the double-pointed knitting needle problem would come up again.
D) Anybody have any other ideas?
I'll check the blog tomorrow, then I'm off! Camp, here I come!