I have a couple moments to breathe before buckling down into finals again, so I figured a blog post was in order.
Remember the yarn I won in Ravelry?
It is now a triangular shawl.
The possibilities with this baby are endless.
I am also spinning some soy silk.
Aaaand, compliments of Sarah at Mom's Knitting and her blogiversery contest,(I'll probably have a year-and-3-months contest, so stay tuned!) I got some yummy yarn in the mail!
Speaking of the twins, I have yet to start on their birthday presents. Of course, I already have the ceramic shoes, but I wanted something more knitty-related, if you could recall. I found a Debbie Bliss book with an adorable bolero top for the girl, Riley, and a little manly vest for Ryan. The patterns call for cashmerino, which, considering the fact that it's spring, wouldn't be a good idea.
When we go to the yarn store tomorrow, after exams (the one good thing about taking long tests is that we get at least the other half, if not the other 3/4ths of the day off!), I'll be looking for a cotton blend. I found something called "CotLin" on KnitPicks, perfect weight, colors, the whole shibang, but the yarn wouldn't get here in time for their birthday party this Saturday. As it is, the chances I'll give them a half-made gift is far from unlikely. My goal is to post every day this week to make up for the fact I've been a bad blogger.
Wow the shawl is just beautiful. Looks very light and airy.
Welcome back to blogland! LOL
2 of the 4 geocaches were dead links.
Oh, I like how you're wearing the shawl in the first picture like a ballet wrap sweater. I worry about triangular shawls looking old-ladyish, but you've managed to avoid that look. It looks so comfy too!
Wow, I love the shawl. :o It looks so amazing the way you have it wrapped in the first picture. How do you DO that?! I refuse to knit any shawls because I don't know HOW to wear them!
Beautiful yarn pictures. I can always count on you to have something yarny-ish in your pictures. :P
And I'm glad to hear you aren't dead. I was beginning to panic myself.
Oh my gosh! The shawl is so beautiful! I love it. So simple and so nice!
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