Friday, February 03, 2012

3-D Art

So I'm taking this 3-D Foundations art class, partly because it's a prereq for ceramics classes, partly because it fulfills a GER, and partly because it's as far from mathy as I can get, so it balances out my beginners programming class and my two other math classes.
We're going to have various projects in different mediums, playing with form, dimension, line, volume and so on.
Naturally, I'm trying to turn everything into a knitting project.
The first week of school, we had a one-day project where we had a single sheet of computer paper and we had to make a non-representational sculpture with it.
After folding a fortune teller (remember those?), I fiddled around with cutting and made a little tunnel. But I still had that extra strip of paper that always needs to be cut off when you make fortune tellers. What to do?
I cut the paper into tiny strips and knitted it.
Unfortunately, I hadn't had this planned beforehand, so I had to make do with pencils, but it turned out pretty well. You're going to have to take my word for it, however, as I don't have pictures.
What I do have pictures of is a WIP made entirely out of wire.
Can you tell what it is?

How about a hint:

That, my friends, will soon be a wire replica of the flyer for my spinning wheel.
Needless to say, I'm quite enjoying myself.

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