...because the Play is officially over! It was pretty freaky and hectic, but I lived through it, and I can say I'm the stronger because of it.
I feel like I have 50 new brothers and sisters. They are all so kind, it's really cool.
What was great was that all of the people who got the leads were really nice, kind people-it was fun putting them in the spotlight. It was especially entertaining when the main female lead came into the dressing room one night with a KNITTED scarf that she had made HERSELF!! I was so proud. Her boyfriend (who was the main male lead) took one look at me with my knitting on closing night and shook his head. "You're a real trooper, you know that? A real trooper," was all he said.
Good times.
Now, back to knitting.
I have the fantastic purse that I got as a sort of kit from my grandmother on Christmas-she bought me the wooden handles and everything. The color is a deep maroon-I didn't really like the yarn, it was itchy and a little too thick for my taste, but it made a pretty cool purse.
I am also spinning on and off this all-American roving I got from the Fold for my birthday. It's really pretty.
I also have had a change of plans. You know that blanket I wanted to make out of all that dyed superwash? And that yarn I bought off the internet that I wanted to make socks out of? Well, those two projects are now one. And that project is neither a blanket or socks; it's a cardigan.
I'm going to hold the handspun with the white yarn together, size 6 needles. Hopefully, I'll have enough to make the cardigan go past my hips to add a bit of style. I'm also planning on having ruffles (like in the skirt) on the cuffs and bottom of the body, as well as a ribbed collar.
With some help from the most recent Interweave Knits, it's designed. Let's just see if I can make it work!
Here's a sleeve already done:
Hopefully, I'll get in the double digits with the number of posts I do this month.