And then I'll be gone again for the next two weeks.
Blame The Play. The Play has taken over all waking hours of my day. Wednesday of this week, I had to get up at 4:00 in the morning because of The Play. The Play haunts my dreams, as well (or at least, the people in it do). Fear not, however; The Play will leave in two weeks time, and I'll be able to relax more.
And I still want to do all of this next year.
Can you say crazy? (as in, Crazy for You, the musical we're doing)
Well, now for some actual knitting.
I made a mushroom!
What do you think? Too corny-or is it mushroomy? (can you tell I'm getting tired?)
Well, I had fun making it.
And that's why I did this!
This guy was finished in English today. I was so delighted, I put it on right then and there and did anything but shove it in my friend's face:
ME: "Look, Paige! I made a sock! And it fits! Isn't that great?"
*as "guy friend"/rubiks cube expert looks on* PAIGE: "That's great, Heather...why don't you go make another one now?"
Ah, well. *note: she's a great person, Paige. The statement above was said in kindness-I don't think Paige has ever said a mean thing in her life.
And now, seeing as three people (Sarah from Mom's Knitting, Kaya from Sisterly Knits, and FiberFiend6891 from RAchel's RAmblings) tagged me on this, 7 random facts about me!
1. I get up at 5:30 every morning to catch a bus at 6:20 for school, which starts at 7:30. Logic? What's this you say about logic? I don't believe I've heard the term before. (I can hear you mothers out there-no, I don't usually go to bed at 10. This is just because it's a weekend and I wanted this on the internet before I went to bed.)
2. I don't have a boyfriend, but boys don't go below my notice. I have lots of guy friends, and have had several crushes (one crush at a time).
3. Unless I'm really really quiet, I can't sing. Any louder than a few decibels and I sound screechy and horrible and just...uugh.
4.Seriously? The only people who understand me well know how to knit.
5. I enjoy being called a knitting/yarn freak. (who doesn't?)
6. Without knitting, some days I would feel like I haven't accomplished anything. The reverse can also be true.
7. My little brother calls me Hee-duh. He's 11 years old and likes to be silly like that.
And I'll send this off to:
1. A Work In Progress
2. Gentle Sunset
3. Knittypants
4. The Twisted Hare
5. Tinky McFrog
6. Mad For Knitting
7. The Knits Of A Teen
The first appearance of The Play is next Thursday. I'll try to check in, but you know teenagers!
Oh, yeah, and for those of you counting at home?
I'm at 100 blog posts.
Good night, and have a great weekend!
I am so very glad that you didn't fall off the face of the planet. I was getting worried! Thankfully you are being a normal teen- that is involved in everything and has a life!
Please post pix of the mitochondrion (I need more strange stuff fodder).
"Break a leg"! (And I don't mean that literally)!
Have a fun two weeks with the insanity of the play!
Now I have to think of seven random things to put on my blog :)
Yeah! 100 blog posts! I have been wondering what happened to you. Yes, a play production could definately account for your absence from the bloggy world. Love your socks!
I will try to post my "7" tomorrow.
Have a good weekend!
Hi. Nice to see you haven't fallen off the face of the Earth! I hate to tell you this, but I already tagged Knits of a Teen. Sorry.
Good luck with the next two weeks! How's the mitochondrion going to work?
Congrats on the 100 posts! And being a mother I am glad you are not up this late every night ;-)
How do you manage to finish socks that fast? Cute colors, you inspire me completely.
Hi ... I've came over from Mom's Knitting. And I'm totally with ya on #5. Happy knitting!!
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