Friday, March 21, 2008


Well, it's the second day of spring. I left school with only my fleece windbreaker on. Now? It looks like this outside.Ick.
Well, at least I have some knitting and spinning I can get done. I don't have any school today or next week for "spring" break. I might get my cardigan done by the end of the week!
can you see the "wave" that I see in the ruffles from this angle?

The sleeves are already done, and I'm at the armholes with the body, which is being knit in one whole piece. I did a lot of
knitting during school this week, since we didn't have much to do, it being the week before spring break and all. If I don't get this thing finished by the end of break, I'm not going to bring it to school. It's getting a tad bulky.
I'm having lots of fun with this. There's these really cool color variations popping up all over, like this:

I'm also getting some spinning done. 2 thirds done (above)
This is a silk/merino blend I got on my birthday. I'm thinking of making little sweaters (example picture at the end of the post) and giving them to my teachers at the end of the year, maybe with some sort of design on them depending on the teacher. I also might knit some for the teachers who helped out in the play. We'll see how much yarn this'll make.
3rd third (above)
In light of no school next week, I'll see if I can post more often. Who knows? Maybe I really will get 10 posts by the end of the month!

Oh, and whoever is hiding the second ball of yarn for my favorite socks? Can you get it to me ASAP? Sock 1 is getting lonely, and I won't be able to bear its sadness much longer before I crack and see if I can get another skein.


Anonymous said...

Hey, there you are!

Yep, we are also getting snow on day 2 of spring. Should be illegal.

the teeny sweater is Teh Cuteness.

Tama said...

Your cardigan is looking so good!! Your first day of spring looks about like our first day did. The weather has been very Un-spring like.

I love the colors of the fiber you are spinning! I want, I want!

PS: the egyptian cotton on my blog and in my etsy store is SOOOOO gorgeous and soft!! It looks like silk!

aksunflour said...

Your view does look like mine!

Anyways welcome back! Hope you get some well deserved down time this next week. And if you eat sugar did you check out the Easter Turducken- seriously nobody here wants me to make it.

The sweaters are adorable, and the wave pattern in your cardigan is the coolest.