Friday, May 09, 2008

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty...

*pictures deleted on account of a mother's theory and some odd places some people visiting this blog were from*
Here's the skirt that turned into a tube top that turned into a halter top. Thanks to my brother for taking the pictures.

The pattern is still a work in progress. (see #4 of the last post) I'll try to publish it (on this blog) soon.
As for my current knitting project, it's a "Leaf Kimono Top" from the summer issue of Interweave Knits. I haven't gotten very far, but it's my first lace project, so I'm taking it as slow as I can.

Remember the cute little twins next door, and how I made little ceramic memento shoes for them? (#3) Well, here they are!


Anonymous said...

The top looks excellent. I love the color of the yarn!

Tama said...

Wow! Your top turned out really great! The colors are beautiful.

Sisterly Knits said...

Top looks amazing! ^___^

aksunflour said...

You are extremely talented! The top is so cute (and is that green grass in the background? Our grass is still brown).

The shoes are so adorable. Good job.

Sarah said...

the top looks great on you- it's a really nice pattern :)