Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Distractions, Distractions

Seeing as I don't have any knitting or spinning to show you today, here's some pictures of my gerbils, Annie (golden colored one) and Artemas (black one). Enjoy!

"What's this strange metal thing doing in my nest?"

Artemas in shadows

Sleepy Annie

Artemas with my foot in the background...

Good night!


aksunflour said...

Gerbils- bring back so many memories. Princess had 2 that quickly became 21 (all in the same cage!). Have fun w/your critters.

Good luck knitting w/o anyone knowing what or for whom. Muy bien!

Tama said...


Knittypants said...

Cute little guys :-)

And your finished cardis are so sweet, the babies will be so darling in them.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I don't think I ever owned gerbils but had hamsters as a kid. I also had a guinea pig that shrunk. Actually, what happened is I woke up one morning and saw a mini version of my pet and was confused beyond belief. Then I realized that, sometime during the night, my new guinea pig had babies. Two of the, one of which looked exactly like her. It was weird because they were already bouncing around and had open eyes and everything. Completely different than hamster babies.

Anonymous said...

(this is sarah from mr. mcgrew's summer class)

those gerbils are so adorable!! i really want a mouse but we just got a dog so my mom said no =(. it's really cool that you have gerbils tho. have you ever knitted anything for them like a hammock? lol