Sunday, September 16, 2007

Que tal?

Translation: "What's up?"
You're actually supposed to have a little accent on the e, and that weird upside-down ? thing in the beginning, but you get the idea...

That is probably what you all are thinking right now. I mean, I barely post once a week! What's wrong? Am I being attacked by wild bears, poked with my own knitting needles, tickled by my wonderful Spanish test tomorrow?

Alas, it's none of those things. I have gotten some knitting done, but it's super-duper Top Secret stuff. (AKA presents for friends who might be reading this blog right this second-you can't be too careful!)

However, I do have spinning that's not in a file with SECRET stamped all over it...

Please excuse the bad lighting... That is one silk cap, dyed and spun. I'll probably just regular-ply it with the other cap once it's done.

A personal goal this week is to post every day-let's see how I do!

Off to study Spanish- ¡Hasta luego!


Unknown said...

This won't help with the test, but here's the html for Que Tal

¿Qué Tal?

thats ¿ for opening question mark and é for the accent ecute.

Tama said...

The yarn is going to be gorgeous! It makes me want to go spin some myself!