Saturday, September 08, 2007

So Close-

-and yet so far.

As you can see from this shadowed picture, I have the body of BBR's cardigan finished, and one sleeve. The other is about halfway done. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it this weekend or next week. It would be nice to start a new project and check an old one off the list.

I don't have the yarn for the super secret projects for my friends, so I'll have to prep for the third project next: the Phoenix Tears Scarf.
I'm planning on using the silk caps that were off-limits until school starts. Remember? It will be only part of the project, though. The pattern asks for a ribbon yarn as well. Perhaps I'll get fabric to cut into strips, or maybe I'll actually buy some novelty stuff. I'm not sure yet. I could just do an interpretation of the pattern, and not use ribbon yarn at all!

It's a debate on whether or not to dye the caps and spin them, or spin the yarn and dye that. Either way, it would be fun to test out the dyeing technique for my blanket; granted, the blanket won't be out of silk, but still.

Now, for a Ravelry update:

You signed up on July 19, 2007
You are #18748 on the list.
7146 people are ahead of you in line.
12850 people are behind you in line.
36% of the list has been invited so far.

Last time we checked, there was 3,000 more people in front of me. I'm moving up!:)


Tama said...

Taking the dog to the vet turned out much better than expected!! for once. It was only because there were no other animals present when we arrived (LOL). Love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine.

Knittypants said...

What a pretty scarf. I'll look forward to seeing you knit it.