Speaking of presents, I finished Mom's yarn for her scarf-I have finished the fire part of the Phoenix, but I am not sure how to go on. Should I add a fuzzy fiber for the feathers, or just let it be only silk and continue on? I'm leaning toward the adding a fuzzy yarn, but I don't really have any fuzzy yarn in the stash that goes with the orange, pink, yellow and red in the yarn. Hmmmmm....
And now, a Ravelry update!
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You signed up on July 19, 2007
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You signed up on July 19, 2007
You are #18748 on the list.
1285 people are ahead of you in line.
17140 people are behind you in line.
48% of the list has been invited so far.
Spanish speakers out there: Did I write that right?
The scarf question required a bit of research. Thankfully I still had Charmed Knits checked out. So- upon re-reading your question and reading the pattern. I think fuzzy would be great- what about hot pink? The tail would stand out a bit more.
I am glad that you posted the Ravelry update- as my next comment was going to be about how you abandoned us to go over there.
I deciphered your Spanish enough to see that today is the 25th of September 2007.
Fuzzy would look awesome! I can't wait until you get your Ravelry invite! It is so awesome!
In spanish is: hoy es martes, veinticinco de septiembre de dos mil siete. ;)
You did it pretty well!
I agree with Sarah, I think fuzzy would look great! You can always go to the LYS and get some that matches--just be careful, I always end up with way more yarn when I leave than what I originally went in for.
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