Monday, December 31, 2007

One More Day Until the New Year!

So, I'd like to start out with a clean slate. Here's all of the things I've been planning on putting on this here blog, but haven't gotten around to it now. The finished hat, complete with a really sweet heart button: I'm planning on knitting this for myself in blue for when the weather gets warmer, in my "spare time".

The final third of roving for my blanket, which I dyed yesterday. You may not be able to tell by the picture, but it really is darker than the second third.

Aaaaand now, the amazing, the long anticipated.........BABY PICTURES!!! YAAAAY!!
I don't look this tired all of the time, seriously. The babies are cute, though, aren't they? I just melt every time I see them.
The hats I gave them turned out a tad too big; nothing a folded-up brim can't fix, thankfully.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Remember That Blanket? And Other Items To Reminise About

You might recall the blanket that I am planning on dyeing, spinning, then knitting. Well, I am much farther along on it than I have let on. In fact, I am almost done with the second third!I also can now reveal something from the Fiber Chic vault: the super secret presents I worked on in October, November, and December. I knit a pair of Knucks, one pair for each of my three best friends. Here they are, in all of their glory:Remember how I said I'd give you cute pictures of babies in my next post? Well, that didn't work too well, did it? The problem is, when I got to play with my little friends last Thursday, I forgot my camera. BBR and BGR's mom, however, came to the rescue and took a bunch of pictures. So, once she emails those pictures to me, you will get baby goodness, I promise.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


I just reread this post, and I realised: I am turning into a real, honest-to-goodness teenager. I have way too many capitalized letters, exclamation points, and starry things in my writing. *GASP!!!!!!!!!*

Know when I wrote that last post? All of that stuff that I didn't even have the yarn for yet? THAT was my Christmas list of things to knit. Therefore, I did NOT have even close to my Christmas list done. Sorry for instilling misplaced
anger in anyone at me for having everything done already. Truth is, I was WAY behind. I guess I should have been a little more clear on that.
Now, however, I have almost everything done.(Yay!)
Sooo, may I introduce, the A-mazing, the IN-credible, FINISHED OBJECTS!!!!
(*Insert Cheering Here*)

This is the cotton hat for that good friend in California. As you can see, there isn't any cool, funky button on it. That's because I don't have the button--yet. Perhaps this will be her New Year's Present, yes?

John's missing Christmas present and I have been reunited at long last, and everyone is happy that it is back--even Mister Green Fox! (What? You can't see the absolute delight and joy on his little carved face? I guess not...)

Last but not least, these are BBR and BGR's Christmas presents from me. The blue one was started last night, and was finished 4th period today. The pink one was cast on shortly after that, and was done by 8th period. In light of the holiday break approaching, our teachers obviously gave us a lot of down time.

The reason for my hurry? I was going to see the twins next door today, after play practice. However, practice was late, so I was not able to visit *sob*. I wasn't able to stop over on Tuesday, either--the other day I usually help out. But don't fret! You'll have adorable pictures of babies in hats before 8:00 tomorrow, I promise.

Now, for two interesting websites:
How to you woo the love of your life using just a semester of Spanish? Watch here.

Want to improve your vocabulary and help people in third world countries have food? You can play this fun game!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Long Put-Off Post

Answers to the problems I had last post are highlighted.
Well. I've got a lot of catching up to do.
-I have to clean the gerbil cage,
-memorise (well, actually study) 20 lines of Shakespeare,
-figure out where I put my brother's and my dad's presents --which are knitted bow and long ties, respectively, since I didn't think I had enough handspun to double it back into fingerless gloves for my brother--
-get yarn for the babies (I'm making them hats, not sure of the pattern yet)
-and yarn for the friend (I do know what pattern, not what yarn)

I also started socks in this pattern, just as a relaxing complicated pattern, if that makes sense-it's Slippery Socks, a pattern by a TEEN KNITTER! I hope someday I could get into Knitty....You can't really see the colors, but it's pinks and reds

Hasta luego!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Play Is Fun..

..but December is upon us. It's Christmas/Hannakah/Kwanza/New Year/Holiday knitting time!
This is my list of things to do before I got to bed tonight (yes, I only have a couple hours to do all of this):

1)Update blog (I'm doing that now, see?)

2)Check everyone else's blogs (If I haven't gotten to you yet, it means I've skipped this to do less important things such as sleeping and breathing in between other things on the list. I promise I'll catch up by Friday)

3) Study for science and math tests that are on Friday.

4) Decide what hat pattern for a friend of my moms--She lives in California and likes the color purple, so it needs to be a pattern thats a little more on the summery side... Ideas?

5) Decide what I'm going to do for BBR and BGR. They tried on their sweaters the other day and were SO CUTE in them...I don't have a picture, but at their mother's disgression and when the sweaters fit a little bit better, I might post one! Ideas are welcome in this department, as well.

6) Wrap the super secret presents--I'll be giving them to their owners on Saturday, which means pictures of them wearing them Monday...

7) Figure out what to give my little brother. The yarn I spun for the fingerless gloves is WAY too thin, it won't work, and I don't have any good store-bought yarn to use. Help!

8) Practice cello for at least 15 minutes

Hope your days aren't as hectic as mine!