Monday, July 30, 2007

Yay For Pictures!
That's the link for the blog which mentioned the "Cuts Of Lamb". She also has a link for where to buy the shirt and bag with the pictures on it, if you're interested...
Aaaand, here's the wonderful, the fantastic, FIRST SLEEVE!

I'm around 1/2 way done with the second sleeve. This sweater took a bit longer than I expected, so I might use a different pattern for the boy's sweater, even though this one is adorable:)

Below is my current spinning progress for my socks:
I am about halfway through with the second bobbin. Here's to hoping I'll be able to finish the spinning part of my socks before school starts (although the third homework book is calling to me!)

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Sorry, no pictures of the official type, but I just found this on the Internet, thought y'all would get a kick out of it!

(Just a side note here: I NEVER say y'all. I think it's cute, but my mouth can never get around it-I usually end up with "you guys". I do, however, like to type it. This is one of those things that never pop up in ordinary conversation, but I thought you might want to know.)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Have You Finished A Sleeve?!?

Yes, I have! Hooray!
Sorry, no pictures today. Probably not tomorrow, either, as I have a spinning guild meeting all day. Monday, I've set the date. Maybe I'll have progress to show you on the second sleeve!
I picked up the stitches for the other sleeve, and knit a couple rows, but I'm not very far. Perhaps on the way to my spinning guild meeting tomorrow I can get more done!
As you might remember, I wanted to get some summer homework done this week. Well, I did! There was three books assigned that I had to read and answer questions on. I have read and answered the questions for two, and am a bit more than 1/2 way through with the third. Before you know it, I'll be free as a bird......just in time for school to start!
Oh, well.
As for the socks I am working on:
I am nearly 1/3 of the way through with the yellow roving-if you recall, I want to ply it in threes, with one-third per bobbin, and ply it on a fourth.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It's always great to get a kudos from someone, you accept your parent's as "the usual", you know?
Funny...I can't change the font here. I wonder what it will look like when I publish this post....
Sorry-no pictures today...the camera is in the car, which is with DM, on errands. I just have a couple rows to go on the first sleeve. Unfortunately, I didn't have the book to look up what to do next when I was helping out at the library today, so I couldn't finish it then-grr.
Right now, we're watching Mulan, the original one. It's my dad's favorite movie!
Pictures tomorrow?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Number 50!

This is the 50th post of this blog! Hooray!
OK, enough of my weird number delights. Here's some pictures:

This is the first sleeve on the baby sweater...the last place I was knitting this at, I didn't have a measuring tape, so instead of just knitting till the cows came home and frog later, I decided to stop knitting until I got home and found the measuring tape. Guess what: I was only at 3 inches. Wonderful.

And what do we have here?
Above is the yarn for the cuff, toe and heel of my most recent socks. The diamond thingies on the side there are part of the cuff for one sock. Unfortuantley, the needles I need are making the baby sweater. That is definetly top on the list of knitting things to do!

Below is the yellow yarn I am spinning for the rest of the sock.I split the 4 ounce roving into 3 parts. I will spin a 1/3 of the roving onto different bobbins, then use a fourth bobbin to ply (spin) them together. I tried with the blue to spin 1/2 onto one bobbin, and 2/3 onto another bobbin, and make the latter bobbin into a center-pull ball. That didn't work--I lost the center-pull, as it got too tangled inside the ball. Hope the different way works!

I hope that the next time I post, you will be seeing a completed sleeve, and maybe some finished summer homework!

Oh, yeah: I did get all blue ribbons- as well as one class champion, the doll clothes (dark purple ribbon), and one reserved champion, my outfit (pale purple ribbon).

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sorry, No Pictures Today... I just got back from 4-H and got interviewed for the vase, the outfit, and the doll clothes and had lots of fun the entrepreneurship thing is tomorrow, and I would like to get some rest.
I'm around 1/2 way through on the first sleeve of the first baby sweater. (I'm not sure if I've mentioned that the neighbors who are going to get these sweaters had twins...) The next will be in blue, as it is a boy and a girl (they're adorable, too!)
See ya tomorrow, hopefully with pictures...

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Fair Is Coming! The Fair Is Coming!

Next week, anyway.

Yes, there are little explanations for each item which will be at the fair. I also will be with each item as they are being judged, so the judges could ask questions if they wanted to. You will be getting the shorter version, as some of it would not exactly apply to this blog, or you already know what I'm talking about, so I might as well not waste your time over it.

However, I thought you would like to see what I'm entering!
First up: Ceramics!
I am just entering one item in ceramics, not the possible 2 (one with a pattern, one handmade) The duck is a present for my grandma, for her birthday. The vase is what I am entering into the fair.
Originally, it was just a white clay vase. I added the designs
and color. See the white part on the left side of the vase (the right part of your screen)? That's where I didn't put enough paint. Next time, I will probably be more careful as to how much paint I put on.
Next is a textbook on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is
having your own business. I got around 10 activities done in here, that ought to be worth something! :)And now, the yarny entries!
You already know the outfit for the Heritage Arts class....

Aaaaand now, the fiber class!
I wrote the patterns for these doll clothes-a poncho, a shirt, 2 skirts, and 2 pairs of slippers/socks. My American Girl Doll is modeling the outfits. I wrote the patterns and I have them all typed up and nice....perhaps when I figure out how to put a PDF file onto the blog, I'll make the patterns public!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Life Is Busy...

...especially when you have a 4-H fair next week.
I've been working on my explanations for the fair, that's why you've gotten radio silence.
I am past the second armhole on the pink baby sweater, and I have spun all of the blue roving. It turned out finer than I expected, I'm going to ply it in threes.
Pictures soon!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Went Shopping!

For roving, that is.
First up, the fiber for my next project. The blue will be the cuff, heel and toe, while the yellow will be the rest!

Now, don't look at me like that. I know I need to make the baby sweaters, and that I have other things on the list, but hey, a girl's gotta have something to spin, right? Right?!? Next is something I need to have, anyway.
I'm doing this volunteer thing to teach kids how to spin, and how people did it in the olden days. Since I need to have a natural fiber, the above was what I chose.
The next two, I have no excuse. I just need something to spin for fun, as something to do other than homework the first week or so of school. These fibers are off-limits till the end of August.This is just an ounce of merino/silk blend, nothing super-special. I don't usually pick green, so I thought it would be nice to have a change of pace, color-wise.

Now, this is the treat. It's an ounce worth of silk cap, which is a bunch of silk cocoons flattened out. I'm not sure whether or not I'll dye it, but it'll be fun to spin.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Real Cute

This is not my only post for today, please continue scrolling down for more...
This is so amazing! It is officially on my internal list of things to do just for the kick of it.....

Ultimate Redemption

(My DB decided on the title)

Yes, I am alive, yes, I do like to blog. However, the only thing worth blogging about happened just last night. Remember the sleeves on my Subway Sweater?

Well, I've made them a couple stitches wider, and a whole lot of rows shorter. (This is compared to my previous pattern for the sleeves, in which they were, if you recall, much thinner and a little shorter than the original pattern.)
This is the sleeve already sewn together, I just have to put it on the sweater.
The funny thing is, the stitches aren't coming out even. Is it because the yarn, which is all crinkley from how the previous sleeve that was made from it, is wacko? I don't know what to do.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Know, I Know

Sorry about how I haven't posted in a couple days. I have, however, gotten some knitting done!

May I present Exhibit A: The Socks.
That's right, ladies and gentleman, I have finished the second sock! The one on the right is the second. I did not do the toe very well (I guessed on how to graft, and on the first, I think I sort of did it right, but I messed up on the second). Ah, well. Mom plans on using them as slippers.

And now, the baby sweater:

Where the stitch holder is, that is what will soon be an armhole. I am now working on the neckline.

Now, I'm off to work on my explainations for my (mainly knitting) 4-H projects....other than the shirt and skirt I made, I am also entering a pair of American Girl Doll outfits, a partly completed entrepreneur booklet, and a ceramic vase. Perhaps I'll take pictures of them when I finish the descriptions, it can be my reward for finishing them!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More To Explain

I should probably rephrase what I said about the socks. I did start the second sock, I'm actually on the top decoration thingy. However, I am now halfway through the body of the sweater. My fingers are confused. Should they knit the socks, which I am (technically)more than 1/2 way done with? Or, should they knit the sweaters, which I would like to get done soon, before they, like, grow out of them?
More about the sweater: the body is knit in one piece, with holes where you make the sleeves. There is another hole to put part of the sweater through, to make the front and back.
I'm probably confusing you more than I should, pictures to explain this soon.
(I'm in an area with internet, but not a good enough internet to get pictures to load easily)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pictures and A New Project

Well, here's the sock: And here's how comfortably it fits on Mom's foot:And now I have a new project: baby sweaters for the month-old twins next door!
I know what you're thinking: you're thinking "That's not a baby sweater!" Well, yes and no. It's this pattern from Greetings From Knit Cafe:

And here's the back:

Don't worry, I won't forget my other sock, but this is just a break, OK?

Monday, July 02, 2007

1/2 Way There!

I finished one sock!

They turned up looking very winterish, but at least the colors match!
I've decided that Mom will get these socks. It's her birthday in a couple weeks, and they fit her perfectly!

She says that they're very comfortable, but she doesn't want to mess up the bottoms.....we'll put some sort of pad there.
Unfortunately, the downloading thing isn't working right now....maybe it'll work later?