Friday, May 09, 2008

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty...

*pictures deleted on account of a mother's theory and some odd places some people visiting this blog were from*
Here's the skirt that turned into a tube top that turned into a halter top. Thanks to my brother for taking the pictures.

The pattern is still a work in progress. (see #4 of the last post) I'll try to publish it (on this blog) soon.
As for my current knitting project, it's a "Leaf Kimono Top" from the summer issue of Interweave Knits. I haven't gotten very far, but it's my first lace project, so I'm taking it as slow as I can.

Remember the cute little twins next door, and how I made little ceramic memento shoes for them? (#3) Well, here they are!

Monday, May 05, 2008

I Swore To Myself I Wouldn't Forget...

...but it seems Fate had a different idea. What am I referring to? Why, the first blogiversery of this here blog!
To see the first (lame) post I wrote, you can click here.
Now. Let's have some knitting info, sha
ll we?
I knitted a scarf from that silk. This is the first scarf I've made that is actually longer than I am tall:

And I only had a bit of yarn left!

Remember that skirt I made out of the "scrap" yarn? Well, it turned into a tube top, then a tank top type thing. I'm hoping to get the pattern typed up in time for the fall Knitty (it really looks like a homecoming shirt type thing). If I don't get it done before May 16 (I think that's the deadline) you'll be seeing pictures soon!

I do believe a plan for summer knitting is due, seeing as school will be out in a month. (Eeeek! AP test next week!)

1) If I get to Jo-Ann's before the year's end, a certain guy friend at school will be getting a "flying" cape. If not, he'll have to get it next year. Seeing as I promised he would get it before we graduated from high school, I'm covered.

2) Ditto for my brother. Although, I'm guaranteeing him his cape before Christmas.

3) For the twins 1st birthday that is coming up, I have already made little ceramic shoes. They won't fit them, of course; it's just supposed to be a memento. I'm hoping to get something in the yarny nature snuck in, as well. After the AP test, I'll do some sleuthing on Ravelry.

4)I also have those two patterns for myself I'd like to sneak in.

5) My cardigan is simply screaming to be slightly redesigned; I'm imagining take two in a bright read Cascade 220.

6) A random piano scarf pattern keeps on popping in my head. The plan is to use the 100% alpaca my aunt gave me. I might have mentioned I wanted to dye it; that plan fell through. I have some extra white yarn from the cardigan I might dye at camp.

Well, that's all folks. In honor of my blogiversery, could any lurkers please make themselves known? I'm curious how many people are actually reading this here blog. Thanks!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Quick Meme Type Thing Before Bed

I'm expecting time for a yarn-related post tomorrow, so stay tuned!
In the meantime-
Tama has tagged me with this word meme, let's see how I do!




TV SHOW: Hannah Montana (my brother thought of that one!)

CITY: Houston






SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: Hand mirror (does that count?)

REASON FOR BEING LATE: Honking drivers

Oh, and people to tag:
It's time for me to go to bed, so if you wanna do this, you're in, if not, you're out.
Good night.