Monday, December 31, 2007

One More Day Until the New Year!

So, I'd like to start out with a clean slate. Here's all of the things I've been planning on putting on this here blog, but haven't gotten around to it now. The finished hat, complete with a really sweet heart button: I'm planning on knitting this for myself in blue for when the weather gets warmer, in my "spare time".

The final third of roving for my blanket, which I dyed yesterday. You may not be able to tell by the picture, but it really is darker than the second third.

Aaaaand now, the amazing, the long anticipated.........BABY PICTURES!!! YAAAAY!!
I don't look this tired all of the time, seriously. The babies are cute, though, aren't they? I just melt every time I see them.
The hats I gave them turned out a tad too big; nothing a folded-up brim can't fix, thankfully.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Remember That Blanket? And Other Items To Reminise About

You might recall the blanket that I am planning on dyeing, spinning, then knitting. Well, I am much farther along on it than I have let on. In fact, I am almost done with the second third!I also can now reveal something from the Fiber Chic vault: the super secret presents I worked on in October, November, and December. I knit a pair of Knucks, one pair for each of my three best friends. Here they are, in all of their glory:Remember how I said I'd give you cute pictures of babies in my next post? Well, that didn't work too well, did it? The problem is, when I got to play with my little friends last Thursday, I forgot my camera. BBR and BGR's mom, however, came to the rescue and took a bunch of pictures. So, once she emails those pictures to me, you will get baby goodness, I promise.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


I just reread this post, and I realised: I am turning into a real, honest-to-goodness teenager. I have way too many capitalized letters, exclamation points, and starry things in my writing. *GASP!!!!!!!!!*

Know when I wrote that last post? All of that stuff that I didn't even have the yarn for yet? THAT was my Christmas list of things to knit. Therefore, I did NOT have even close to my Christmas list done. Sorry for instilling misplaced
anger in anyone at me for having everything done already. Truth is, I was WAY behind. I guess I should have been a little more clear on that.
Now, however, I have almost everything done.(Yay!)
Sooo, may I introduce, the A-mazing, the IN-credible, FINISHED OBJECTS!!!!
(*Insert Cheering Here*)

This is the cotton hat for that good friend in California. As you can see, there isn't any cool, funky button on it. That's because I don't have the button--yet. Perhaps this will be her New Year's Present, yes?

John's missing Christmas present and I have been reunited at long last, and everyone is happy that it is back--even Mister Green Fox! (What? You can't see the absolute delight and joy on his little carved face? I guess not...)

Last but not least, these are BBR and BGR's Christmas presents from me. The blue one was started last night, and was finished 4th period today. The pink one was cast on shortly after that, and was done by 8th period. In light of the holiday break approaching, our teachers obviously gave us a lot of down time.

The reason for my hurry? I was going to see the twins next door today, after play practice. However, practice was late, so I was not able to visit *sob*. I wasn't able to stop over on Tuesday, either--the other day I usually help out. But don't fret! You'll have adorable pictures of babies in hats before 8:00 tomorrow, I promise.

Now, for two interesting websites:
How to you woo the love of your life using just a semester of Spanish? Watch here.

Want to improve your vocabulary and help people in third world countries have food? You can play this fun game!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Long Put-Off Post

Answers to the problems I had last post are highlighted.
Well. I've got a lot of catching up to do.
-I have to clean the gerbil cage,
-memorise (well, actually study) 20 lines of Shakespeare,
-figure out where I put my brother's and my dad's presents --which are knitted bow and long ties, respectively, since I didn't think I had enough handspun to double it back into fingerless gloves for my brother--
-get yarn for the babies (I'm making them hats, not sure of the pattern yet)
-and yarn for the friend (I do know what pattern, not what yarn)

I also started socks in this pattern, just as a relaxing complicated pattern, if that makes sense-it's Slippery Socks, a pattern by a TEEN KNITTER! I hope someday I could get into Knitty....You can't really see the colors, but it's pinks and reds

Hasta luego!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Play Is Fun..

..but December is upon us. It's Christmas/Hannakah/Kwanza/New Year/Holiday knitting time!
This is my list of things to do before I got to bed tonight (yes, I only have a couple hours to do all of this):

1)Update blog (I'm doing that now, see?)

2)Check everyone else's blogs (If I haven't gotten to you yet, it means I've skipped this to do less important things such as sleeping and breathing in between other things on the list. I promise I'll catch up by Friday)

3) Study for science and math tests that are on Friday.

4) Decide what hat pattern for a friend of my moms--She lives in California and likes the color purple, so it needs to be a pattern thats a little more on the summery side... Ideas?

5) Decide what I'm going to do for BBR and BGR. They tried on their sweaters the other day and were SO CUTE in them...I don't have a picture, but at their mother's disgression and when the sweaters fit a little bit better, I might post one! Ideas are welcome in this department, as well.

6) Wrap the super secret presents--I'll be giving them to their owners on Saturday, which means pictures of them wearing them Monday...

7) Figure out what to give my little brother. The yarn I spun for the fingerless gloves is WAY too thin, it won't work, and I don't have any good store-bought yarn to use. Help!

8) Practice cello for at least 15 minutes

Hope your days aren't as hectic as mine!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Got In The Play!

...and I also have a FO that isn't super secret!
Look, I even have pictures!

This was just a simple garter stitch scarf using the leftover yarn from Mom's scarf. I still have plenty left over, maybe I'll save it as memory yarn.

Now, you're probably wondering about the play. I am a Follies Girl, who won't wear as.....interesting as an outfit as the ones the Follies Girls wear in the movie Crazy For You (that's the name of the musical, by the way).

As for NaNoWriMo, it's doomed, at least for this year. I have 10k words, and I will work on it from time to time, but (obviously) not in time for the end of the month. Hey, I had fun!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Nervous Energy

I didn't have any school this week for Thanksgiving break, but the Wednesday before that, we had the tryouts for the play my school is doing. During and after the tryouts, I suddenly had to knit. That's the knitting I did in just two days. I'm picking up on it again today, as we find out who gets in and who gets out-wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Spinning progress, that is.

I am more than halfway done with the first third of the roving for my blanket. (So how many ounces have I done? You don't have to answer that....)
This is what I have left to spin of the first third. There is no more room on the bobbin, so I am now working on the yarn for my brother's fingerless gloves, which is taking up a bobbin.
However, I have only 10,000 words in NaNoWriMo--must go write now!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pictures and A Meme

Well, here's the socks:

As you can see, one heel was knit differently than the other-I misread the instructions for the first sock--oops! Then when I got to the heel on the second sock, I didn't remember how I made the first heel, so I couldn't even copy the first to look like the second!
Of course, it's not a big deal. Now I know when I knit socks, I should completely ignore SSS at all costs and make the second sock right after the first-at least I'll remember how I made a mistake in the first sock, so I can have socks that look more or less alike.
As for knitting progress..Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Now, for the meme
7 Random Things About Me:
1) My first pet was a newt. We didn't know its gender. At first, we called it Curious George, but then I read something about how the size of a newt tells the gender, we decided it was a girl. The name was changed to Curious Georgina, or GG.

2) My first knitting project was neckwarmers for some friends I had in a retirement home. I got six done in four-five months!

3) I knitted with mainly acrylic yarn for at least five or six years before I realized there was nicer yarn for just a little more

4) I learned to knit on circular knitting needles (they were the only ones Grandma had on hand)

5) Before I knitted, I did a lot of hand sewing-didn't get very good at it, though.

6) When I was born, the two names that were tossed back and forth was Sarah and Heather.

7) My initials spell HAH (on purpose) My dad thought that was hilarious-my mom didn't notice till I was a couple years old.

Now, for the NaNoWriMo update...
I have written 6,843 words-I should be on 10,000 by now. What with life, school, cello, eating and sleeping, I haven't found much time to write. I've changed my goals so that my personal goal is 30,000-40,000 words. I may not win
NaNoWriMo, but I will get a lot of writing done. Perhaps next year, I'll try for the gold!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

UFOctober Wrap-Up

In light of Tinky McFrog's final contest, here is what I have accomplished in the month of October:

Before UFOcober:

-Get Mom's scarf done
-Knit 3 "Super Secret" presents for friends for Christmas
-Finish my "Cut Your Teeth" socks
-Exception: work on dyeing and spinning my blanket

After UFOctober:

-Finished Mom's scarf
-Knit 2 of the 3
"Super Secret" presents for friends for Christmas
-I did not finish the socks, but I did get far enough that I finished them last night! Yay! (pictures to come when I'm not 1,000 words behind in NaNoWriMo
-Exception: I dyed 2/3 of the roving, and began to spin the first third

So, there you go. In my (humble) opinion, I really enjoyed UFOctober and I hope I can do it next year as well!

My NaNoWriMo word count so far is 3,594 words. Seeing as it's the third day, I'm not too worried about being 1,000 words behind, but I probably should be working on it anyway! See ya!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Found The DPN...

Happy Halloween!(turn your sound on after you click "done"...)

Off to finish homework, then knitknitknitknitknitknit..
NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow-oh goody!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Should Be Knitting Right Now...

But I can't.
As you can see, I'm getting along with my sock. Not as far as I'd like, but I'm getting there.
"Why aren't you knitting right now, then?" you might ask. Well, it's because of this:
At first glance, this picture just looks like another one of the progress I've made. It takes new meaning when I tell you one startling bit of news: the dpns in this picture are the only size US 0 dpns I own. In other words, I have lost a size US 0 dpn. I can't knit anymore until I

A) Get more dpn, or

B) Find the lost dpn

Unfortunatly, Option B isn't possible, as I lost the needle at school, somewhere. Guess it's a trip to Michaels for me!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

End Of (UF)October Rush

I only just realized yesterday that the end of October is in a week-and I don't have my socks done yet!(That would be my second sock-cast on this morning!)
So I'll be knitting like crazy to try and get one more WIP in the FO pile before this cool game called UFOctober is over.
I am also working on my exception for UFOcober, my blanket. This is how far I am on spinning the first third of my roving:
The color is a bit brighter than that...but you get the idea.
I'm hoping to get all of the spinning for my project done by the end of this year, then actually do the knitting bit next year-think I can make it?

The really observant of you readers can see I have a new button on my sidebar for some strange thing called NaNoWriMo. November is National Novel Writing Month. The challenge? Try to write a 50,000 word novel just in the month of November-no later, and no earlier. The cool people over there have this website where you can keep track of the number of words you have done, meet other people who are working under the same self-imposed stress as you are. I'm gonna try and do it, so if my posts get more erratic and less often than they usually are, that's why.

I have been planning my story (which is allowed before November starts, thank goodness), and it's turning out pretty good. I can't wait for October to end so I can start it for real!
But first, I should really get that sock done.....

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Yes, I Am Alive (Part 2)

Hello, everyone. I couldn't find the cable that lets the camera talk to the computer-turns out it was on a shelf, right where it is supposed to be when it's not in use. Who'da thunk that?
A library friend of mine asked me to do a review for her blog, and I agreed. You can peek over there and say hello, if you want.

Today, we'll discuss my dyeing venture-I used McCormic blue food coloring, but didn't quite keep track of how many drops I put in-I do have a general recipe I tried to go by, though. (Inspiration from Knitty's Color To Dye For by Julie Theaker--I didn't completely follow her instructions) The wool is superwash from The Fold.I first divided the 1lb roving into 5 1/3 skeins.
For the first third, I let it soak for about 15 minutes in wate
r and 1/3 cup of vinegar. I then transferred it to an aluminum pot, covered it almost completely in water, and put the heat on the stove at medium. I then mixed my dye.
Dye Recipe:
1) In a plastic cup, pour 2/3 cup of water
2) Put 8 drops of food coloring into the cup

3) Microwave for about 15 seconds, or until the temperature of the dye is around 120 degrees
I then poured the heated mixture over the heating roving, trying to be relatively even. I used around 4 of these mixtures, moving the roving around with the end of a cooking thermometer to make sure I didn't miss any parts.
However, I ended up wit
h deep blue spots (below), which isn't necessarily bad, just not what I expected.I let it "cook" for about an hour, then let it cool till it I could hold it.
After squeezing out all of the water, rinsing the extra dye out, and hanging it up to dry for a night , I had a blue speckled roving!
The fiber had kinda matted together, so I predrafted it before I began to spin it.
For the second third, I let it soak like before, but without the vinegar, and just for 10 minutes or so. I also added 4 or 5 drops of food coloring to the water before I put the roving in the soak. I then let it cook for longer than an hour, and with only 2-3 helpings of the poured dye. The roving was so hot, I let it cool overnight, then
squeezed out all of the water, rinsing the extra dye out, and hung it up to dry the next night. The result? A 100% pale blue roving! The roving is more the color of the above photo than the below.When it came to the matting factor, I had the same problem with the second roving as the first. There is an obvious difference between the dried just-out-of-the-dye roving (right part of your screen) and its predrafted counterpart (left).
Well, I'm done rambling for now.
¡Buenas noches y hasta luego!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tries and Retries

I got a pound of superwash which I am planning on dyeing for my blanket/shawl thingy! Unfortunately, Blogger isn't happy with me right now, so you'll just have to imagine a picture of a pound of white superwash roving, divided into thirds.
(Yes, we got to the fiber store on Saturday, this isn't some part of my stash I haven't told you about...) I'm planning on dyeing it with food coloring today and tomorrow, and spin some of it on Saturday at my 4-H meeting. We're going to have an hour to work on our projects for next year-whew! We barely have time for breath in between years!
Now, before everyone starts wagging fingers at me for starting a project when it's supposed to be UFOctober and all, this is going to be my ONLY exception. I want a little break from my *wonderful* super-secret presents.
I did finish the second super-secret present, but through some freak of nature, one half of the present (which is supposed to look exactly like the other half) is significantly smaller. Why I didn't notice this as I was knitting it, don't ask me. I think it might have had something to do with the fact that I tried to take some twist out of the yarn before I knitted the second half, thereby making that half thinner and shorter. Whoops!
Well, perhaps Blogger will let me post some pictures of my dyeing tomorrow!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yes, I Am Alive...

And yes, I have been knitting. Unfourtunatley, it's nothing blog-allowable. I'm close to finishing the 2nd super-secret project, so I will soon have knitting to be able to show you!

In the meantime...

I have been doing a bit of spinning! The white is some wool I did during a spinning demonstration at this museum fall party. The orangey-red is, as all of you recognise, from Mom's scarf. I have some extra silk, so I figure I can make a skein of 50% wool, 50% silk.

Obviously I have a ways to go on the silk-it's a bit harder to take a spinning wheel to school, and with the craziness after school, I don't really have time to spin--I'm lucky to have this much done! I guess this is another UFO I can work on!

4 tests/quizzes tomorrow--oh goody!

Monday, October 08, 2007

UFOcober, Day 8

I have another WIP going into the FO pile!
Unfortunately, it's one of those "super secret" gifts-and now, I'm working on a second "super secret" gift, using the same pattern, different yarn. (I'm considering my "super secret" gifts WIP, because I have already bought the yarn and I want to have them done soon so that I don't have to worry about not getting them done..)
I also would like to finish my socks.
My plan? I'll let myself start working on my second sock after the second "super secret" project is done.
I realise that on my knitting to-do list I have my blanket before finishing the socks, but I currently don't have the roving to dye or spin, so I'm in limbo for that project. In UFOcober it's my exception, and starting it in earnest will be my reward after all of my WIP are done.
I seem to use the carrot-in-front-of-head tactic quite often...
Now if you excuse me, I am off to study--and after that, I can sit in the rocking chair, listen to a new book tape and knit!

Saturday, October 06, 2007


I have something actually done!
True, it's done before #2 is finished (my super-secret presents for my close friends), but at least I have something to cross off my list, especially since I've joined Heather T's UFOctober!
Neat button, yes?
I am not sure how to add this to my sidebar, so if anyone has tips, I'm all ears! (UPDATE: I now have UFOctober on my sidebar! Thanks Janet!)
The pattern I ended up picking was doing the "fire" design for 20 inches, regular garter stitch for 17 inches, then the "fire" design again for another 20 inches. It turned out to be the perfect length to either throw around your shoulder, or folding it in half and feeding the two ends through the hole you end up with (does that make sense? I hope I'm not confusing anyone-I'll have pictures of the "styles" I'm talking about soon!)
Meanwhile, we've been cleaning up the old stasharoo here at Spin, Knit, Purl and be Happy-it's been tough, but I've been giving up a lot of yarn-acrylic, itchy stuff mostly, but hey, it's yarn, and it's been mine, at least for a while... :-(
I was surprised at the number of bitty little balls I have collected over the years. Dad had a big plastic tub that used to hold pretzels, so we're collecting all of the balls in there, as it's fun to look at each ball and remember the project it was used for...
I hope it's not weird how I have kept the little strings, some not even a foot long (that little yellow ball in the middle is one of them). Any one else out there who does this?!

While some people may hoard pictures or write in a journal to remember what they've done and what they were thinking, I have little balls of yarn. They remind me of the projects I have done, which I guess you could say gives me a little encouragement.

Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't feel good about yourself if you put all your mini balls of yarn into one place and you saw you had enough leftover yarn from completed projects to practically fill a pretzel jar. I'm sure you'd be as proud as I am now.
I'm willing to bet some of you have already done this!
(please? someone? anyone?)

Monday, October 01, 2007

Ravelry Really Is a Black Hole

-but a good black hole. One that's filled with yarn and friends.

Well, I got half of my homework done Friday before I succumbed to my curiosity. Then, about 500 clicks later, it was time for bed. Ravelry is like a MySpace (which I am not, and will ever be, affiliated to)for knitters, crocheters, spinners and dyers. I absolutely love it!
I am in a group for Teen Knitters-simply wonderful! It's so good to know there are people my age who are as crazy about yarn as I am. (Hi Sarah!)
I have a question for those "in the know.."
How do you interface your blog into your "About Me" page? I have in the little box that says URL, but I don't have anything in the RSS feed box, and I'm not sure what I should put in there...Any ideas?
Meanwhile, in the actual-knitting department...

I'm still stitching away on Mom's Phoenix Tears scarf. I didn't find the proper yarn for the "feathery" part, so I'm just going with the silk.

You can see on the left where the fire part ends and the garter stitch bit begins. There is also a much redder part right where I'm knitting. It seems I spun some parts with more white than others, which is making a sort of stripey effect. Neat!

I think I might change the pattern so that there's a fire part on both sides, and a garter-stitch strip in the middle. I just can't imagine my mom with lots of frills and fuzzy stuff on her accessories. She doesn't wear style scarves much anymore. I've seen pictures of her when she was in her teens/just out of college, and she wore a lot of simple, smooth scarves. I sorta want this scarf to go with that theme.

Off to post on Ravelry!

Friday, September 28, 2007


I just checked my email, and what did I find? Take a wild guess.
Yep. (!!!!!!)
Of course, this is the weekend where I have homework, and I have a playdate with some little friends, and I was planning on going to my LYS for secret yarn and Phoenix Scarf yarn, and I was going to give you all a list of my plans for this weekend....
But I can't, because I h
ad tap right after school, so I need to work on my homework before doing anything more, and I promised myself I would go to sleep early tonight because getting up at 5:30 every morning takes its toll on it looks like no Ravelry for me this weekend!
I'll live (somehow...)
Now, just a few pictures I've been meaning to post (you should be able to click for a bigger picture)...
My spanking-new tap shoes (another !!!!!)
The "fire" part of the Phoenix Tears Scarf:
Aaand the spinning I did at school today-everyone was just delighted to watch the whorl go round and round and round...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Random Ball of Green Handspun, Plus a Random Pair of Knitting Needles = ?

A random hair tie!
Last week was Homecoming week at my school-each day was a different time period. During 50s day (I think), I knitted up this little number-
(With a little bit of guess-and-check, I took this picture myself!)
The pattern is really easy, so I'll put it here:
Row 1:CO 1 st
Row 2:k through the f&b of st
Row 3:k through the f&b of first st, k to end
Row 4:K all sts
Rep from row 2 however many times until 8 sts on needle, then do garter st till piece measures three times the length of your face.
*Next row: K2tog, k to end
Next row: K2tog, k to end
Next row: K all sts
Rep from * until there is just one st left-fasten off.
Cut string, weave in loose ends, and proudly wear!

PS: Thanks to Debolsollo for advice on my Spanish (I got that right on my test too; how could I have forgotten since then?!), and to Tama, Janet and Sarah for the Phoenix scarf yarn ideas-I just need to get to a LYS soon to get the yarn! :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lookie what I Got!

Last Saturday, DM and I went to a guild meeting, and one of the ladies there was selling the wool which her Rambouillette sheep had grown the past year. Well, I can't pass any spinning fiber, so I got this:
The darker colored roving is actually a bit more brown than black...I'm thinking of making some Knucks for my little brother for Christmas. The last time I made gloves for him, they kinda ended up a bit wonky. I hope this pattern works better! :)
Speaking of presents, I finished Mom's yarn for her scarf-I have finished the fire part of the Phoenix, but I am not sure how to go on. Should I add a fuzzy fiber for the feathers, or just let it be only silk and continue on? I'm leaning toward the adding a fuzzy yarn, but I don't really have any fuzzy yarn in the stash that goes with the orange, pink, yellow and red in the yarn. Hmmmmm....
And now, a Ravelry update!
Found you!
You signed up on July 19, 2007
You are #18748 on the list.
1285 people are ahead of you in line.
17140 people are behind you in line.
48% of the list has been invited so far.

Hoy es martes, el veinte y cinco, de septiembre del dos mil siete.
Spanish speakers out there: Did I write that right?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Short Post Today, SUPER Long Post Tomorrow...

Hi all-
I promise to have knitting and spinning content tomorrow-too late today, and I have a friend returning from a long trip who is visiting right now (Hi B!)
UPDATE: Uh, yeah....I sorta ran out of time to post yesterday....I've learned my lesson to making promises you can't keep. How about I promise to post three times in the next week? That sounds do-able......

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Distractions, Distractions

Seeing as I don't have any knitting or spinning to show you today, here's some pictures of my gerbils, Annie (golden colored one) and Artemas (black one). Enjoy!

"What's this strange metal thing doing in my nest?"

Artemas in shadows

Sleepy Annie

Artemas with my foot in the background...

Good night!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Que tal?

Translation: "What's up?"
You're actually supposed to have a little accent on the e, and that weird upside-down ? thing in the beginning, but you get the idea...

That is probably what you all are thinking right now. I mean, I barely post once a week! What's wrong? Am I being attacked by wild bears, poked with my own knitting needles, tickled by my wonderful Spanish test tomorrow?

Alas, it's none of those things. I have gotten some knitting done, but it's super-duper Top Secret stuff. (AKA presents for friends who might be reading this blog right this second-you can't be too careful!)

However, I do have spinning that's not in a file with SECRET stamped all over it...

Please excuse the bad lighting... That is one silk cap, dyed and spun. I'll probably just regular-ply it with the other cap once it's done.

A personal goal this week is to post every day-let's see how I do!

Off to study Spanish- ¡Hasta luego!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And Now, There Are Two!

Yep, I finished them-buttons and all!
The middle button on the boy's cardigan looks darker in the picture, but I promise you, it's not!
The boy's cardigan turned out a tad bigger, but not too bad.
The pattern: Daisy, from Knitty.
Adjustments: I did a different pattern for the sleeves:
CO 33, work in st st till piece measures 6-7 inches, or desired length, work dec. same as original pattern
(Make 2, obviously)
I just made the sleeves longer and thinner, nothing fancy-I hope they fit!
Now that I have Goal #1 off my list, on to Mom's scarf!
I dyed half of my silk with Cherry Kool Aid for the red, Orange Kool Aid for the, well, orange.

It looks a little scraggly, but hopefully nothing a little carding can't fix :)

Yay for Wednesdays!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

So Close-

-and yet so far.

As you can see from this shadowed picture, I have the body of BBR's cardigan finished, and one sleeve. The other is about halfway done. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it this weekend or next week. It would be nice to start a new project and check an old one off the list.

I don't have the yarn for the super secret projects for my friends, so I'll have to prep for the third project next: the Phoenix Tears Scarf.
I'm planning on using the silk caps that were off-limits until school starts. Remember? It will be only part of the project, though. The pattern asks for a ribbon yarn as well. Perhaps I'll get fabric to cut into strips, or maybe I'll actually buy some novelty stuff. I'm not sure yet. I could just do an interpretation of the pattern, and not use ribbon yarn at all!

It's a debate on whether or not to dye the caps and spin them, or spin the yarn and dye that. Either way, it would be fun to test out the dyeing technique for my blanket; granted, the blanket won't be out of silk, but still.

Now, for a Ravelry update:

You signed up on July 19, 2007
You are #18748 on the list.
7146 people are ahead of you in line.
12850 people are behind you in line.
36% of the list has been invited so far.

Last time we checked, there was 3,000 more people in front of me. I'm moving up!:)