Tuesday, December 30, 2008


School is turning into one big priority that, unfortunately, can not be ignored or pushed aside for a simple blog post. My goal was to post every day in December; I'm currently using borrowed time even as we speak.
How does posting every weekend sound? (WARNING: Feburary is going to be hectic.)
No blogging time does not mean no knitting time, however. 
I knitted 2 scarves for two separate friends of mine; pictures were not taken.
I have finished the super-secret presents, but haven't given them yet, so pictures will have to wait.
I am almost done with Ryan's vest, as you can see:
Unfortunately, the neckline is supposed to have ribbing. The pattern called for a circular knitting needle.
"No problem," thought I. "I can just use my straight needles. The fabric will be a bit stretched, but it will bounce back."

Allow me to illustrate. I thought that a straight needle could go around this.
I guess I figured it would bend or something.

which would you choose?

It's a good thing my birthday is tomorrow; I believe I need a size 3 circular knitting needle.