Tuesday, December 30, 2008


School is turning into one big priority that, unfortunately, can not be ignored or pushed aside for a simple blog post. My goal was to post every day in December; I'm currently using borrowed time even as we speak.
How does posting every weekend sound? (WARNING: Feburary is going to be hectic.)
No blogging time does not mean no knitting time, however. 
I knitted 2 scarves for two separate friends of mine; pictures were not taken.
I have finished the super-secret presents, but haven't given them yet, so pictures will have to wait.
I am almost done with Ryan's vest, as you can see:
Unfortunately, the neckline is supposed to have ribbing. The pattern called for a circular knitting needle.
"No problem," thought I. "I can just use my straight needles. The fabric will be a bit stretched, but it will bounce back."

Allow me to illustrate. I thought that a straight needle could go around this.
I guess I figured it would bend or something.

which would you choose?

It's a good thing my birthday is tomorrow; I believe I need a size 3 circular knitting needle.


Sarah said...

Whoops about the needles! Sometimes you have to do something like that before you can get it through your head that there's no way to get it to work! The vest looks great though!

Tama said...

The vest is beautiful! You are doing a great job.

aksunflour said...

Was thinking about you this New Year's hope you had a great birthday.