Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Should Be Knitting Right Now...

But I can't.
As you can see, I'm getting along with my sock. Not as far as I'd like, but I'm getting there.
"Why aren't you knitting right now, then?" you might ask. Well, it's because of this:
At first glance, this picture just looks like another one of the progress I've made. It takes new meaning when I tell you one startling bit of news: the dpns in this picture are the only size US 0 dpns I own. In other words, I have lost a size US 0 dpn. I can't knit anymore until I

A) Get more dpn, or

B) Find the lost dpn

Unfortunatly, Option B isn't possible, as I lost the needle at school, somewhere. Guess it's a trip to Michaels for me!


Anonymous said...

I have done that so many times! I have learned to buy two sets of DPNs whenever I buy any! Did you get to paritcipate in the VKN last night?

Tama said...

I really hate to loose a dpn in the couch! I try not to knit there as it could be dangerous if I loose a needle. Going to Michaels isn't so bad--I love it there. I think I could hang out there all day--especially when they have just put out all of their Halloween stuff. They always have the best Halloween stuff in town!!!!