Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More To Explain

I should probably rephrase what I said about the socks. I did start the second sock, I'm actually on the top decoration thingy. However, I am now halfway through the body of the sweater. My fingers are confused. Should they knit the socks, which I am (technically)more than 1/2 way done with? Or, should they knit the sweaters, which I would like to get done soon, before they, like, grow out of them?
More about the sweater: the body is knit in one piece, with holes where you make the sleeves. There is another hole to put part of the sweater through, to make the front and back.
I'm probably confusing you more than I should, pictures to explain this soon.
(I'm in an area with internet, but not a good enough internet to get pictures to load easily)

1 comment:

aksunflour said...

confused about what to knit- I totally understand. Can you knit a little bit on each one every day?
As for the internet, we have satellite for our connection. Not as fast as DSL but faster than dial-up (unless it is foggy, rainy, snowy)