Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Know, I Know

Sorry about how I haven't posted in a couple days. I have, however, gotten some knitting done!

May I present Exhibit A: The Socks.
That's right, ladies and gentleman, I have finished the second sock! The one on the right is the second. I did not do the toe very well (I guessed on how to graft, and on the first, I think I sort of did it right, but I messed up on the second). Ah, well. Mom plans on using them as slippers.

And now, the baby sweater:

Where the stitch holder is, that is what will soon be an armhole. I am now working on the neckline.

Now, I'm off to work on my explainations for my (mainly knitting) 4-H projects....other than the shirt and skirt I made, I am also entering a pair of American Girl Doll outfits, a partly completed entrepreneur booklet, and a ceramic vase. Perhaps I'll take pictures of them when I finish the descriptions, it can be my reward for finishing them!

1 comment:

aksunflour said...

The socks look good.