Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Actually Figured Out How To Use The Camera!

With a little bit of poking around (aka pushing random buttons), I did it! Here's the WIP:
This will be a slipper for my little brother. I'm hoping I can make a pair in time for his birthday this Friday.

The slipper is not much to look at, but just wait until it's done!
The heel is in garter stitch, with the rest of the foot in stockinette stitch. I still have to knit an inch or two to compensate for my brother's foot. After that, I'll decrease for the toes. Then I'll sew it up.

This slipper is based on a pattern which was mentioned in my knitting calendar. When I first tried out the pattern, I misunderstood the instructions and used what was supposed to be the heel for a bit of length up the leg. I ended up with floppy tubes that had one end scrunched up. If you put them on, and then walk around for a couple minutes, they slip off. (They're still comfortable, though!) I'm hoping my brother's turn out a bit better.

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