Saturday, May 26, 2007

Lots Of News

This is going to take a while.
Let's see.... first on the list:

1) I finished the Subway Sweater!!!!
hi me!

the whole sweater

a close-up of the sleeves

This pattern is great--very clear and easy to follow. The top is a little baggy, but I doubt the problem is in the pattern; as I have said before, I'm a little small. So, DM (darling mom) and I are going to get some elastic to fix that. The elastic will also be used to finish my skirt.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this already, but before this sweater, I haven't ever really made a garment that I'm happy with the color, length, and comfort of--at the same time. There was always some mistake; the pattern was flawed, it was too hot, the length was too short, the edge curled....the mistakes go on and on. One of these days I should have a Wall of Shame, showing all of the weird stuff I have attempted to make.

2) Here is my blanket:
Yes, I have tried to keep up with the holes over the years, but I've been busy lately. (I know, I know, bad excuse) My goal is to patch it all up by camp, which is in a few weeks. If I don't make the deadline, that's OK--it's a warm blanket either way!
I'll take this opportunity to use up some small yarn balls in my stash--the ones you couldn't possibly use for much more than a small square. If I use those up, I'll find some acrylic that I am not likely to use for anything else.

3) This is what I am going to make the felted bunnies with, (I should probably mention I am going to make 10 or 14 for certain special people. I will not say who they are, just in case they are reading this) or something like it:
p35 of Spin Off Spring 2007

The expected outcome is this:
p34 of Spin Off Spring 2007

Of course, I know the first one I make will absolutely stink--it will be something like a cross between a dog and a fox. The next one will be a fox-and-dog mix, and the third will, if you squint a bit, will be a bunny. The fourth will definetaly be a bunny.

Here's to finished projects and plans to come!


aksunflour said...

The bunnies look adorable. (ok I am biased as I used to raise rabbits for 4-H) I wonder how hard a 4 leaf clover lei would be? As if I needed another project to distract me.
Good job on the sweater. It looks really cute.

HDW said...

The Bunny's are so cute and I have to say I am incrediby jealous that you spin!! I really want to learn. I have to ask did you teach yourself? I have not attempted anything but I SOOOOOOOOO wanna learn!!!