Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Oh, Yarn, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways...

1) Beautiful, pale blue color
3) Is a little fuzzy, but not too much
4) 100% cotton **UPDATE: I rechecked the fiber content--it's actually 50% cotton, 50% acrylic**
Now, if only I could find the right needle size for you to fit the gauge for the Subway Sweater.......

I tried US8, and got almost past the waist shaping (I had thought the gauge was right), and got the thought to check it again. AAAAAAAHHHHH! It had changed!! So, I frogged it, and I'm starting over on US9s--this time, I'm double checking the gauge!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

put a pic of the skirt i would love to see it.