Monday, June 04, 2007

More Sock Patterns

I did a bit of research on the internet, and found some more patterns I like:

This one I like because of the little dancing people on the cuff....I would probably do it with a light color for the actual sock, and a darker color for the dancing people, and maybe the toe and heel too...that would look cool!

I like this one because of the designs in Fair Isle on the heel.

What about this one? I like the idea of knitting socks on just 2 needles. Or this?

The one in Spin Off was a bit too small, and the other one didn't look like it would be good without the beads.
Update: I re-rechecked the socks provided, and the only ones that fit me are the dancing people one, and the felted pair. What do you think?


Lee said...

I like all those, but my vote is for Fuzzy Feet.

aksunflour said...

Can you do more than 1? And to make the other fit don't you knit rounds to length of foot anyways? I made my first and only pair according Knitting Rules!! Excellent book. Any way my vote is a toss up between Dancing Lady and tip toe. the two needle one doesn't sound to challenging either.