Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sock Patterns

I am trying to decide which pattern to use to make my socks. No, I have not spun the yarn--I haven't even gotten the roving!
However, I am not going to have access to the internet for two weeks after this Saturday (will explain later), so I have to decide on the pattern now or for 14 days hold my peace. DM (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) has agreed to get the roving and mail it to me if we don't make it this week. I'll have my trusty drop spindle, that should keep me occupied.
And now, the patterns....
One is from my handy dandy knitting calender, with an optional bead design and tweed lace. It is cuff-down.
The other is in my Spin Off magazine, and has lots of designs. I'm a little unsure about this one, because it has lots of yo's, and I don't want to have marks on my feet after I finish it.
I should also mention that I have size 9 1/2 feet--he he....I better get out my measuring tape and check to see if the patterns could actually fit me!

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