Friday, August 03, 2007

Confessions Of A Teenage Knitter

I. Am. In. Love.

No, we are not going to discuss my past and present crushes today--we are going to talk about the BABY SWEATER!!

I just want to hug this thing every time I look at it! It's beautiful! It's exquisite! It's what every baby girl wants........but it's too small.
No, I have not tried it on the baby yet, but it was supposed to be 10 inches long, and it's 8 1/2.
Obviously I did not check the gauge well enough. But, don't worry! Your Fiber Chic has a plan!
I will keep this sweater for my Hope Chest, and I'll make two more sweaters, in this pattern, for the twins next door.
Perhaps this new pattern will work up faster...I'll probably have enough yarn left over to make little mittens to go along with the sweater!
In other news...
This is 2/3 of my yellow for the socks. Notice how the third on the left is a whole lot smaller than the third on the right? I'm going to have to even out the spools.
I'll wait till I have all three spools, then weigh each one and divide the thread accordingly. My logic is, if the third spool is too small, I'd have to redivide everything up anyway, so why not wait?
Here is eight, count 'em, eight little squares. They are for the cuff of my socks--as the spinning for the yellow is taking a while, I can work on the blue cuffs in between spinning spurts. Logical?


Anonymous said...

The sweater is adorable!

aksunflour said...

The sweater is so cute!!
Glad that you are figuring out the math/weight on your yellow yarn. That is just to much work- really strained the brain cells just trying to figure out what you said. Good luck.

heather t said...

Aw, so cute! It will probably fit a newborn or definitey a preemie.

(Hey, join us in Sockapalooza next time!)

Sarah said...

That sweater is stunning! Definitely worth hanging onto for future little bits. I want to hug it too.