Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Lotsa Updates

Sock update first:
I have knitted together the squares for one sock, and I'm as far as I can be without using the yellow yarn, which is a work in progress, still.
I weighed the already-done thirds...and they're the same weight as the third I hadn't started at the time. Huh. I guess I made thinner yarn on the bigger spool. Like I said before, however, I don't think I will even out any spools until all of the roving has been spun.

Aaand here's the info on Ravelry:
You signed up on July 19, 2007
You are #18748 on the list.
10495 people are ahead of you in line.
4980 people are behind you in line.
33% of the list has been invited so far.
10495 people--hmm. Shouldn't be too long now!
OK, now for the baby cardigan info:
The bitty sweater has been started, but I will need another ball of Bernat pink to finish the one for the girl. Since I'm using this pattern, I am also debating whether I should add the flowers (for the girl)/snakes (for the boy). I have A LOT of little bits and pieces of yarn I could use, so that's no problem. What do you think?

I am also being crazy and REALLY thinking ahead-to when I have finished all of these projects, and I need something for 4-H next year.
I've decided on a lacy shawl made by the late owner of Copper Moose. The pattern is in the book Spin To Knit, which I recently checked out of the library. I am planning on dyeing my own roving, then spinning it, then knitting it. If I get started soon (as in in November or December), perhaps I will be able to steal enough time to start the knitting in, like March.

Before I finish, or even start, any of the above, however, I should probably get my summer homework done, so in the next week, I can at least say I have some sort of FO!


aksunflour said...

Oh the flowers are so very pretty. Not sure about the snakes though- could you adapt the flowers to balls? Put the flowers on the little girls and then balls on the little boys?
As for the 4-H project, the longer you spend on it. The better it is. ie... for a display board. First raw wool, then carded, then spun, then knit. Another blue ribbon idea. All our 4-H kids are required to do a display board. (JML kids that is.)

Anonymous said...

I love the pattern AND the flowers.
I notice your from Illinois and involved in 4H. I, too, live in Illinois, out by Dixon--very 4H out here. (I'm a grandmother!) I enjoy reading your blog, nice to meet a young person who enjoys spinning and knitting--refreshing! Your work is VERY good!